În acest an, cu ocazia Zilei Mondiale a Farmaciștilor, celebrăm tema:
"Medicamente sigure și eficace pt toți (Safe and effective medicines for all)”.
As designated in 2009 by the FIP Council in Istanbul, Turkey, 25 September marks the annual World Pharmacists Day. FIP encourages pharmacists to use this day to organise activities that promote and advocate for the role of the pharmacist in improving health in every corner of the world.
"Safe and effective medicines for all” is the theme of this year’s World Pharmacists Day.
The theme for 2019 aims to promote pharmacists’ crucial role in safeguarding patient safety through improving medicines use and reducing medication errors.
“Pharmacists use their broad knowledge and unique expertise to ensure that people get the best from their medicines. We ensure access to medicines and their appropriate use, improve adherence, coordinate care transitions and so much more. Today, more than ever, pharmacists are charged with the responsibility to ensure that when a patient uses a medicine, it will not cause harm”, says FIP President Dominique Jordan.